1. Can I pay online?
    YES! Click here for payment information.

  2. How do I make a payment?
    Click here for payment information.

  3. How do I set up new service?
    Please print and complete the “New Customer Application” form. You can call the office for more information and a list of items to bring in with the application.

  4. Where is the STWSC office located?
    Click here for information about our office location.

  5. What are the STWSC office hours?
    Click here for office hours.

  6. How do I contact STWSC?
    Click here for contact information.

  7. What is the after hours contact number for STWSC?
    You can call our regular office number and a recording will give you a mobile number for the on-duty contact. Click here for the office number.

  8. Do you allow automatic bank drafts?
    Yes, you can set up a bank draft to pay your monthly bill by printing and completing the “Bank Draft” form and bringing it by our office.

  9. What is the cost of service?
    Click here for rate information.

  10. How do I disconnect my service?
    You may print and complete the “Service Discontinuance” form and bring it to our office.